It's 2014!!!!
Another year has come and gone.....
My road has taken another unexpected turn......
My boys and I moved in with another family right before Christmas. I was in an unhealthy relationship that was taking its toll on me. So here I go again......only now I am 41, almost 42. I realize the older I get the harder life becomes.
(Middle-Age) Adventures In Poverty
This is about getting older, smarter and wiser.... and raising a family along the way.
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The Hollow Crown: Shakespeare in Disguise?
Hollow Crown is a story of family, politics and power. The film tells the tale
of the rise and fall of three Kings and how their destiny shaped our history.
Richard II is a self-indulgent, vain man who rules with little regard for his
people’s welfare. Richard II is overthrown by his cousin Bolingbroke who
ascends the throne as Henry IV. Henry IV’s reign is scarred by his own guilt
over Richard’s death, civil war, and the fear that his son Hal is a total
deadbeat. When Hal comes to the throne as Henry V he is left to bury the ghosts
of his father’s past while dealing with his own demons.
The BBC The Hollow Crown adaptation of
Shakespeare’s Henry V concentrates
too much on Henry as king and excludes some of the comical moments to maintain
focus on the seriousness of war. The production has a high profile cast and wonderful cinematography with
beautiful landscapes, however the dedication to Shakespeare is lacking. Henry V
is a history play and attention must be on the war. Still we need to remember what makes
Shakespeare so great; he infuses comedy into everything from love to war. That comedy is what allows us to relax so we
are unprepared for the shock Shakespeare has in store for us.
The final series of the B.B.C’s Hollow Crown season
begins at the end showing Henry V with the death of its
protagonist. Henry is dead with his loved ones around him as Chorus transports
the audience back in time presenting the newly crowned king. Despite his youth
Henry has clearly shed his irresponsible ways and matured to cope with his new
responsibilities. This adaptation does not focus just on the brave heroics of
the king, but rather the demands and necessity of a good leader and war.
Unfortunately this message is not delivered well. Hollow Crown Henry V was a
disappointment which did not nearly reach the standard of its predecessors.
There is
not much competition for filmed Richard IIs or Henry IVs, but to follow in the
footsteps of not only Laurence Olivier, but also Kenneth Branagh's 1989 film
is daunting task.
It was not the play that was the problem- it
has political intrigue, romance, heroism, battle scenes, acts of courage and
emotional poignancy to make a first rate Drama, but very little comic
relief. There have been wonderful
adaptations of it in the past, most notably Kenneth Branagh's 1989 version.
However, the casting, quality of acting and editing of the BBC The Hollow
Crown version created a disjointed and rather dry adaptation. Many of the
characters seemed to have lacked depth, and simply delivered their lines
without sounding like their heart was really in it. There was little feeling or
emotion in this version as there is in Branagh's. A deeper seriousness is felt in the three
preceding plays of The Hollow Crown. Although
a real disappointment was Falstaff who for the most part simply seemed not
funny. He sounded like an unhinged old
man talking to himself when he delivered the soliloquies that were meant to
give insights into his character. His mumbled speech lacked definition to give
his message the boisterous and comical delivery that Shakespeare intended.
Simon Beale as Falstaff was nowhere near as entertaining as Shakespeare
portrayed him. Even the famous Crispin's Day speech (`We Few we happy
few') did not feel at all moving or
inspiring, and the humorous scenes and interludes failed to deliver any comic
relief. The famous speeches are not
delivered to the masses Henry goes to France, he is addressing only a few
individuals. While this creates sincerity when presenting a king that is not
governed by his passions or prone to great shows of theatrics. Instead, Henry remains
largely composed throughout the play. Henry does not react to the Dauphin’s
tennis ball taunt with rage, but responds in a soft voice, suggesting a king
who is in control of his emotions. In contrast, Dauphin’s anger when faced with
the English messenger signals his own immaturity. The brutalities of war are
shown but glorification or patriotism is downplayed heavily. The adaptation
concentrates sharply on Henry as a king avoiding attention on the lower
characters and plots not essential to the play. The comic moments are subdued
adding to the seriousness and reality of war. The Welsh captain Fluellen taking
great pride in the discipline of the army is not mocked he is admired. Henry
does not take the opportunity to play a harmless trick after the victory
either. Instead he takes it upon himself to present the glove of the solider he
quarreled with the previous night. Despite
the scenes of slaughtered bodies strewn across muddy fields once the battle has
ended, Henry( although thankful) does not take any glory from the victory. The
action moves on swiftly to Henry wooing Katherine in search of a resolution to
prolong the peace. While the cruel murder of Falstaff’s boy does not occur he
does witness murder up close symbolizing the loss of innocence that war
incites. This epitomizes the message of kingship at the heart of this
adaptation Henry V’s story is not of the underdog’s victory. It is a journey
from rebellious youth to responsible maturity.
The filmmakers cut out a
number of scenes and passages: including the Southampton Plot when three nobles
were discovered to have planned to kill King Henry before he left for France.
This scene was arguably important in its depiction of Henry's character
development as it shows he was capable of making tough and even painful decisions
to protect his kingdom and the harsh reality for kings as well as showing that
there was opposition to him. Henry's two brothers Humphrey Duke of Gloucester
and John Duke of Bedford (formerly John of Lancaster in Henry IV) are absent
from this version for unknown reasons. Though Bedford's absence can be
historically justified because he was not at Agincourt, his brother Gloucester
Despite his sibling's absence Henry is still heard to say 'we are in God's hand brother' after treating with the French herald, a line originally delivered in response to Gloucester's stating he hoped that the French would not come upon the English too soon, when his brother is not even there. Instead the Duke of York, a minor character with only a few lines in the original play replaces them in a prominent role, constantly appearing as something like the King's 'right hand man' and sometimes seemingly being given other characters' lines or roles, undoubtedly to stress the importance of the role of King. It was the King's uncle the Duke of Exeter that Pistol asked Llewellyn to intercede with to stop Bardolph being hanged in the original play and for some reason in this version York is the one who is responsible for this. Finally events surrounding the killing of the prisoners at Agincourt (which was cut out of Branagh's version) did not seem to be well portrayed. It is shown that Henry feared the French would regroup and make a fresh attack so then Henry gives the order to kill the prisoners, but all we see are three French knights riding by not enough to pose a threat. The whole scene is doubtful especially when Henry refers to the French knights still riding over the field when only he and a few English soldiers are visible.
Despite his sibling's absence Henry is still heard to say 'we are in God's hand brother' after treating with the French herald, a line originally delivered in response to Gloucester's stating he hoped that the French would not come upon the English too soon, when his brother is not even there. Instead the Duke of York, a minor character with only a few lines in the original play replaces them in a prominent role, constantly appearing as something like the King's 'right hand man' and sometimes seemingly being given other characters' lines or roles, undoubtedly to stress the importance of the role of King. It was the King's uncle the Duke of Exeter that Pistol asked Llewellyn to intercede with to stop Bardolph being hanged in the original play and for some reason in this version York is the one who is responsible for this. Finally events surrounding the killing of the prisoners at Agincourt (which was cut out of Branagh's version) did not seem to be well portrayed. It is shown that Henry feared the French would regroup and make a fresh attack so then Henry gives the order to kill the prisoners, but all we see are three French knights riding by not enough to pose a threat. The whole scene is doubtful especially when Henry refers to the French knights still riding over the field when only he and a few English soldiers are visible.
The beginning and final
scene of The Hollow Crown featuring Henry's funeral seemed to help to round off the story and give the audience a sense of
finality as well as letting them know what happened to Henry. Chorus' closing
speech recounting the loss of France and demise of the Lancastrian dynasty gave
the ending a poignantly tragic note but not enough make up for the deficiencies
of the rest of the play. You search in vain for the fun and fury through
a play spoken in Franglais (French and English words) and expect boisterous
good humor as the tale of Hal-turned-Harry's rise to king only to be strewn
along a king/war focused adaptation that omits the humor and lacks the
character delivery of comic relief so valuable to Shakespeare’s plays.
By Stacy Tyo ENG 640: Shakespeare Spring 2013
Tough Choices for Farmers Weather in the Strawberry Fields
Tough Choices for Farmers
Weather in the Strawberry Fields
Stacy Tyo
Granite State ECO 512
September 2013
weather conditions forced strawberry growers in Queensland Australia to destroy
more crops than they harvested. Instead
of a steady growth of strawberries all season long the farmers received their
entire crop at one time. This unwanted
occurrence placed the farmers in a difficult position. Over 200 strawberry farmers with literally
millions of strawberry plants producing all at once meant a flood of the
market. Farmers struggled with the
decision to plow under a majority of their crop in order to get what was fresh
to the market on time. In addition
farmers attempted to plant new strawberries to balance out the rest of the
season. This risky move requires a lot
from Mother Nature as far as the remainder of the strawberry season is
concerned. Combine this with other variables such as new competition in the
market and the fact that farmers could only stand by and watch the prices drop
drastically. Not only can the weather conspire to control
the “end price” for the grower but supermarket chains decide the growers’
profits by the price they pay. This
occurrence resulted in the 2013 strawberry season recording a 30 year low for berry
The farmers are producing strawberries which are a product. The farmers are selling their strawberries to
supermarkets for money. The supply or
quantity producers sell in 2013 varied greatly from last year due a supply shifter in this case: the all at once arrival of the crop. The supply
curve can be seen when comparing each year quantities and timing of the
strawberry harvest. In 2013 the supply
schedule was not spread out as evenly as it had been in previous years. In the past consumers were able to purchase
limited fresh berries each week at relatively the same- ( higher than 2013) but
steady prices. Supermarkets
accommodated the flood of strawberries.
However with the abundance of potentially rotting fruit the prices went
down. PED was apparent by the
consumer’s response to the lower prices, again the delicacy of the product made
any chance of profit to the farmers small.
The farmers did what they could to supply consumers with a product. The farmers knew that they could not pay the
labor with the money that they would make by selling an over abundance of their
product at one time. Essentially the
farmers would pay labor for 5 times as
long to harvest 5 times as much
fruit and sell the fruit for 5 times less
money. The example of PES did not favor the producers. The farmer’s response to the price
change was disappointing to the farmers who supply the produce and a benefit to
the consumers who purchased the fruit at a 30 year low. Here is also an example
of how the delicacy of a product affects the law of supply. When the fruit was priced higher in previous years the
quantity was steady. Again when the
fruit prices were lower the supply was higher, which breaks the law of supply. Perishables must fall into
an exception category and possibly have a different set of laws of economics? In the case of the strawberry farmer
producing more at one time means less profit.
Elizabeth Marx, September 16, 2013 Bumper Crop not
so Sweet as Growers Destroy Berries
Sandra Godwin, September 11, 2013
Strawberry Glut Hits Prices
Whitcher Road renovation
If and
when this house is torn down by any person now living or anyone yet to be born
this little card is to say that I hope you don’t have the fun, trouble expense
and experiences I had when I built (it). I bought this land, cleared the woods,
dug cellar, erected this little home for my children to live in. I wonder if they will ever appreciate the
I am
not a carpenter, being a painter by trade. Building this by what little I know.
So don’t make to much fun of my work. I
have 3 children living now.
Alice Mae Jennings Age
Robert Donald 8
Richard Arthur 7
Jennings 30 my wife
wonder what things will come until this card is found, in this country.
card is left by the builder and owner P. G. “Buster” Jennings 1938
card was found during a bedroom/bathroom renovation in September 2013
years later
Women of The American Revolution
During the revolution women led a very different life than
females today. The role of a women
began the day she was born. Girls were
almost always educated at home with the emphasis on being raised to be good
wives and mothers. Female literacy was valued for; religious instruction-the
Bible, for reading information regarding household affairs, for providing
children with basic education, and that was it.
Any property and earnings of a married woman belonged to her husband. A
husband was legally entitled to hire out his wife for work and collect all of her wages. A man had the legal right to
beat on his wife and children. But not permanently disable or kill them. Women
did not have the right to leave their husbands. The husband however could place
ads in newspapers if they ran away. Divorce was almost non-existent. When
divorces were granted the father almost always got custody of the children.
Husbands and wives incapable of living peacefully together sometimes mutually
agreed upon separate live sometimes living in different households. It was
considered completely inappropriate for a woman to address men publicly, like
in a speech or sermon.
The women counted on the men in their lives for survival,
whether they were fathers, brothers or husbands. During the war the women were
expected to take on roles beyond their means. Thousands of women served in the
Continental army during the War for Independence as: nurses, cooks, washer
women, ammunition runners and water carriers (see pic above). It is not truly
known how many women fired artillery or were even in combat positions. During
the revolution women found that they were valuable outside the home and many
gained a new perspective on life and more importantly they gained confidence
that led to change for all women.
21st Century Agriculture Robots on the Farm
21st Century Agriculture
Robots on the Farm
Granite State
ECO 512
are enlisting the help of robots to take the place of human laborers on the
farm.Technology is a part of our
everyday life. Most of us have a smart
phone that can tell us anything we want to know at a push of a button. Robots are already in some of our homes, like
the Roomba, can vacuum or mop our floors by themselves and are priced within
reach. Manufacturing has been utilizing technology to save on production
and productivity costs for decades.
Humans have been pushing buttons and guiding large computer programmed
machinery for quite some time. Manufacturing
jobs require only a few employees instead of the many that were needed before
technology was available. Now, in the 21st
century, technology is taking a big step into farms and onto our kitchen
are turning to robots to remedy labor shortages and decrease production
costs. With rising productivity costs robots could be the answer. A
study of lettuce picking Ag-Bots proved that one robot can do the work of 20
farm workers. The Ag-Bot could potentially, “ provide
relief from recent labour shortages, lessen the unknowns of immigration reform,
even reduce costs, increase quality and yield a more consistent product” (Gosia
Wozniacka and Terence Chea, 2013). This new trend would drastically change the labor productivity in the favor of the
farmer’s wallet. Ag-Bots are being offered with a 12-24 month payback period (Sander
Olsen and Joe Jones, 2011) which is a productivity
cost that has piqued the interest of many farmers. Robots,
unlike human farm workers, obviously do not require; paychecks, work breaks or
insurances. However regular maintenance
is required and the Ag-Bots are still being tweaked for their inattentiveness
to ripeness and the careful selection process of the produce to be harvested.
The Ag-Bots may offer an edge to farmers as the farmers are always on a
schedule that revolves around timing- ripening and harvesting. Here production
in the short run is constant in farming.
The window for harvest is crucial to the per worker production function, the workers must be efficient and
work quickly and accurately or the produce will spoil and the farmers receive
no money yet they still must pay the farm workers. Whereas the robots require no pay and are
able to manage the short run demand
of the ripening process. Again caution is given to the robots disadvantages,
they are: somewhat clumsy and are yet to differentiate ripe produce from unripe
or spoiled produce. Some produce is
highly sensitive to bruising which is not ideal for the consumer at the point
of purchase.
While this
trend could be beneficial for current farmers, new emerging farmers may not
have the training or experience to start the business with robots. This could
create a barrier to entry. Robots on
the farm could be the edge some big competitive farmers have been waiting
for. Here is their chance to offer fresh
produce quickly to the masses. The labor productivity costs after the
initial pay off could mean lower prices and an oligopoly where the farmers with a robotic edge determine the
prices of produce. The potential lower prices could put some farmers out of
The benefits
of Robots on the farm will outweigh the initial disadvantages in profits on
(Sander Olsen and Joe Jones, 2011). However the ethical debate looms
regarding job loss and the effect on the economy. From a business standpoint all the arrows
seem to point to an increased profit for the farm owner. It is probably
inevitable, the 21st century may see robots in more unlikely places than
the farm field.
Gosia Wozniacka and Terence Chea, 2013, Agricultural robots could
revolutionize fresh market fruit, veggie production, ease labour woes
Associated Press The Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION Retrieved from:
Sander Olsen and Joe Jones, 2011, A
discussion: Robots could transform agricultural industry Retrieved from:
Carved In Stone Book Review
Carved in Stone
The Artistry of Early New England
There is something eerily stimulating about thumbing
through, Carved in Stone (Gilson, T.E.
& Gilson, W., 2012, University Press of New England) the book of photos
of New England gravestones by Thomas E. Gilson, with an essay on their history
and style by William Gilson. The Gilson brothers were born and raised in
Connecticut. Thomas Gilson taught
photography in Vermont for 17 years. What
started as a curious hobby of T. Gilson turned out to be a compilation of early
colonial American history in photographs.
In his book Gilson shows us colonial American sculpture in its earliest
form. The stories the pictures tell
share not only the hardships and fears of colonial times but also hope and accomplishments.
The essay written by William Gilson shares a common desire to understand not
only the messages and symbols carved into the stones but also pay tribute to
the artwork of the carvers.
As a society we are squeamish when discussing death, yet we
sentimentalize death with depictions of angels, soft light and our idea of
heaven. The men and women of 17th and 18th
century New England viewed death with a fear that is seen on their
gravestones. Skeletons, teeth-baring
devils and skulls with eerie eye sockets tell of uncertainty and dread about
what really lies beyond this mortal soil. Interestingly they did not waste any
space on their gravestones with such euphemisms as “passed away” or “gone” as
we see on later and present day stones.
The early settlers of New England lived in a place and time
where death was always present. Disease
and violence were present on a daily basis. They feared hell and the eternal damnation of
their souls. It is no wonder that so many of their gravestones reflected the
anxiety of living in a harsh, unpredictable world. “O! [Relentless] Death” is an
inscription on one gravestone shown in the book (Gilson, 2012 pp110), and it
reads like a cry of despair. Still not all the gravestones are so gloomy or the
depictions on them as grim. Although the
Puritans’ held stern ideas against human weakness and sin there was hope that a
more glorious and generous world that awaited them after death. Many Puritan
gravestones show a “Death Head” or a carved face or skull with wings on either
side of the head. This symbol states the
soul is ascending to heaven, and the occupant was a believer in heaven.
Eventually, as Puritanism waned in the early 18th
century, the Death's Head imagery faded and new carvings of cherubs
(symbolizing a child) and then later to urns with weeping willows over them, representing
the mourning of the loss of life. Some of the headstones show rising
suns(Gilson, 2012 pp 22,81), their light presumably shining on the dead; angel
faces that are neither male nor female but still sweet and childlike (Gilson,
2012 pp 34,35) and crude faces that look like the stone heads of Easter Island(Gilson,
2012 pp112). In one remarkable carving(Gilson,
2012 pp 44), a young woman wearing her hair down on her shoulders, not pinned
up or hidden behind a cap, holds a flower. Even carved in stone she radiates
with life. In a period of; crude medical
treatments, chronic wasting diseases, short life expectancies and a high
mortality rate the promise of an after-life without pain or suffering must have
seemed like true salvation. Some of the carvings are not as sophisticated, they
have had a rough life different from the modern, polished headstones. These were tough and judgmental people who
fought for survival and their gravestones reflect their unbending spirit.
Thomas Gilson’s black and white photographs are elegant and
show unexpected and humorous details in the carvings and the texts written on the
gravestones. William Gilson’s text is nostalgic and thoughtful. Thomas’ photography and William’s essay about
gravestones offers an unexpected journey into the spiritual and mental
state of colonial American people. While both pay
tribute to the craftsman who created these story-telling sculptures by
compiling this book they also feed a curiosity for death that is as timeless as
death itself.
Puritans: A Time of Change
The Puritan beliefs were one of many religious based
prompts of the American Revolution and a turning point for the change in
Puritan ideals. The Puritans firm old fashioned beliefs in hard work and self
denial (Goodbeer, 2005) made them unapproachable to many as the
turmoil of the times weighed on the colonists. The Puritan belief was dwindling by the mid 1600s.
Many things contributed to this: a life filled with strict by-the-bible living,
and constant sessions of self doubt of their worthiness to their God. The
deaths of Puritan leaders, political isolation from other members of their
church in England, and the rise of business were also factors. This put a
strain on the community as a whole and finally led to the end of Puritan
beliefs in New England. Many colonists maintained a longing for a fuller sense of
freedom from and the Puritans passiveness for retaliation against England and
their handling of the witch trials did not appeal to the colonists over time. The Puritans added fuel to a fire that was
already burning. The American Revolution
was grouped in a series of events that led to a significant break in the
Puritan heritage.
A Time of Change
602 Midterm
Oct 2013
were people determined to change the church. To do this the Puritans believed
they must eliminate long standing church practices such as bowing at the name
of Jesus and making the sign of the cross at a baptism. They did away with
celebrating Christmas and Easter (Carp, Defiance of the Patriots). They also
believed that clergy should have an extensive education and be able to marry (Gaustad,
2005) . Puritans felt that Bishops were not Pastors
and extradition from the church should be based on spiritual grounds not
politics (Gaustad, 2005) . Puritans were also Calvinists
(believed in predestination) and especially attracted England’s economically
depressed people.
Puritans left England seeking to make changes freely and recruit followers. After many hardships during their first few years
in the colonies the Puritan survivors finally became successful. Starting in
1630 John Winthrop led thirty
thousand Puritans to settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony which later became
Boston (Gaustad, 2005) . Winthrop and most of the other
Puritans had experienced a religious conversion. With their conversion they
were able to become church members, vote, and own property. Their form of
government had elected leaders such as Winthrop who made decisions with the
advice of magistrates and the clergy. The Puritan
system of congregational church government did lead way to democracy in
political government. Although among the Puritans it was
understood that the entire purpose of government was to enforce God’s
laws. People who disobeyed the authority of
the Puritan clergy in Massachusetts Bay were subject to punishments such as;
fines, floggings, banishment and death.
By 1660
Puritans were seeing a continuing decline of commitment within the
congregations. Many of the people emigrating from England were not joining
churches. Boston and many other
communities were becoming more secular and the people were more materialistic. Puritan leaders were able to hold the reigns
of peace steady until the English crown was no longer worn by a Puritan. One of the biggest blows to long standing church members
was the decision to revoke the Massachusetts Bay Charter which put all land
being held by the colonists under the control of the King ( In 1686 the King appointed a royal governor of Massachusetts. This angered the Puritans because the newly
appointed governor authorized religious toleration for all Protestant churches,
including the hated Quakers, not just the Puritan congregational churches (Carp, 2010) . The governor brought with him
Anglican clergy and many members of the Church of England. The loss of the Charter and the arrival of a
new governor, they had not elected, brought Puritan control of the region to an
end. In 1689 when news arrived of a new King of England, the Puritan leaders
arrested the governor and sent him to England where he was released. For a short time it appeared that the
leadership was again in the hands of the Puritans. Although it was not long
before another royal governor would arrive in New England and the Puritans were
again weakening in strength and numbers.
was yet another episode in the downfall of the Puritan way and that was the
witchcraft trials and executions in the summer of 1692 (Goodbeer,
2005) . Throughout the history of the colony there
had regularly been accusations of witchcraft but these cases were usually
handled quietly and effectively. Life for
the Puritans was a struggle between God and Satan. This belief made Puritans conscious
of supernatural forces in their everyday lives. If a thunderbolt struck a
church it was interpreted as a sign from the devil. If diseases killed the
Indians this was seen as the will of God (Goodbeer, 2005) . The Puritan clergy
did not discourage this belief in the presence of Satan and evil spirits
because they were influenced by the supernatural. Satan
was believed to function by taking possession of individuals. Once that had
happened they were called witches. Witches supposedly tormented and weakened
the good intentions of the faithful. Puritan leaders attempted get rid of witchcraft
at its very first signs but were not always successful. The Salem
witchcraft trials were put in place to properly punish people for using
witchcraft (Goodbeer, 2005) . These trials were the result of unsettled
social and religious conditions in Massachusetts as the colony was rapidly
evolving. During the Salem witchcraft
trials most of those accused as witches were property owning women (
The Salem “witch hunt” in 1692 was opposed by the more responsible members of
the clergy. Even with some opposition if they failed to drive Satan out
of an alleged witch the witch was hanged.
The clergy would conduct an
investigation and then usually send the accused to be examined by another
minister in another parish. During this time the accusers often reconsidered
their accusations that often came from personal or financial conflicts. With a
small number of exceptions charges were usually dropped. In the case witchcraft
in Salem the conflicts among neighbors and families, economic and political disputes,
anxiety among the young people, gender conflicts, and a growing class division
with the clergy and leading figures on one side and the poor on the other all
fed into the drama. The many problems of the previous two decades made for an uneasy
atmosphere that generated fear and paranoia. During the Salem witch trials magistrates
had excluded the clergy who had always handled witchcraft charges from
participating in the investigation. In the three years that followed families
of the victims sued officials and won their cases and nearly all soon
recognized what a catastrophe had occurred (Goodbeer, 2005) . Several public officials
made public apologies. But by 1695, there was little left of the Puritan
The American Revolution was a pot readying to boil over. There were many factors in the break from the
Puritan heritage in addition to the American Revolution. The Puritans left England only to find more hardships
in the New World. While they had their
glory days they were short lived. The many events the Puritans endured; changing
of rule in England, opposition to their core beliefs, the witch trials and
finally the power of the ever changing New World overtook the Puritans.
Although they were ready to fight they were forced to abandon much of their
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved
Carp, B. (2010). Defiance
of the Patriots. Yale University Press.
Gaustad, E. (2005). Roger
Williams. New York: Oxford Press.
Goodbeer, R. (2005). Escaping
Salem. New York: Oxford University Press.
....almost September
Here it is...Labor Day weekened starts in a matter of hours. I find myself preparing to send off my two young sons (ages 8-12) to school. My four college courses start in 11days, I am working only Wednesdays and feeling like I am not going to be busy enough.....
Not busy enough?? Why does that sound so silly? So why am I panicking?
No poet here
hear the mountains cry
longing for days gone by
regret and sorrow
for what is missed
change and progress have replaced
the quiet calm of the highland space
hate for change is the pain
future is the only gain
longing for days gone by
respect is lost...
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